I am a 22 year old (almost) medical student who recently graduated with a degree in Biology from South Dakota State University, and I am proud Alpha Xi Delta alumna.

When I’m not studying or blogging, you can find me lifting weights or eating Ben & Jerry’s while reading. I also has a weird obsession with using GIFs in text messages. (Someone please tell me if it’s pronounced like the peanut butter or not.) Online shopping is my catnip.
Chin Up, Buttercup is where I chronicle my journey towards personal growth and happiness in hopes of inspiring someone, somewhere in the vast universe to do the same.
Tune in to watch as I refuse to wear sweatpants outside of my apartment, bake endless batches of cookies, and generally navigate life armed with sarcasm and red lipstick. If my love life ever decides to show up to the party, I’ll probably share it on the blog. Probably.